Peter Pan 小飛俠

Item# HJ-0089
Size: 39cm tall
Completed date: 2009/05/31

I made this doll body in last year, but didn't made any clothes for it. Doll's face like a boy, which is not suitable to dress up as a girl (although I like a girl), so that I make it as Peter Pan afterward.
這個娃娃素體在去年年尾已經完成,不過卻一直沒有做出合適的衣服裝飾 。娃娃樣子比較男性化,不適合女生打扮(雖然我比較喜歡女娃娃),所以後來就做成小飛俠了。

His dressing is using forest color (green and brown) as a theme color. There is a felt feathers on his hat, he is taking a felt made little sword on his right hand, his leaf neck wear is made by coconut shell. As for the shoes, they are not paint as previously, it is made by fabric with a little star button. The shoes are quite difficult to sewn by using normal the pressing foot since they are too small.

2 則留言:

布偶在說話 說...


Jenny 說...

To: 布偶在說話