Size: 16cm height
Completed date: 2008/8/24

Bouquet is made by 12pcs Thailand iridescent flower with tulle, the cost of this flower is much higher than common China product, but really petty and elegant. Under the bouquet, there are some white bead chain as scallops around it. The pen pole is binded by orange/ gold ribbon. There is 1 row of white bead chain and orange acrylic stone on the pen cap.
** I recommended to added 1 more white bead chain at the end of pen cap, it can reduce the ribbon abrasion when opening it.
** 建議在筆蓋頂端多加1行白色珠鏈,在打開筆可以減低絲帶的磨損。

Colors: Orange, white, light blue, pink, light purple, red.
Related old handworks/ 同款作品一覽:
Elegant Wedding Signature Pen (White/ Green) 精緻的婚宴簽名筆 (白/綠)
Elegant Wedding Signature Pen (Orange) 精緻的婚宴簽名筆 (橙)
4 則留言:
Hi 哈比珍妮,
I am searching some signature pens for my wedding in Apr 2009. I found your blog when searching in Yahoo.
I am attracted deeply by your DIY ones, which are very elegant and 精緻. Don't know if you are interested to design and sell to me? Please accept my apologies to send you such a sudden message and request.
Hi Angel,
I am so glad to hear this. Yes, you can order my signature pan for your sweet wedding. Can we discuss the details by email, my email address as below, looking forward to receiving your mail, thank you.
Best Regards,
你好,這個泰國進口的花是找朋友代訂的。如果你有需要我可以幫你代購,你要買什麼顏色和數量呢?我的email 是