Kyoko Yoneyama X Raggedy Ann 米山京子 X 襤褸娃娃安

Item# HJ-0043Size: 9cm tall
Completed date: 2008/1/20

Bought some books of Kyoko Yoneyama's doll for my study. I am insterested in one of her doll, i make one with funny idea to cross-over with Raggedy Ann, Let's see what will it look like.
之前買了一大堆米山京子娃娃書來研究。 對其中一個小娃娃很感興趣,於是就想出一些變化來。如果要Crossover "Raggedy Ann",會怎樣呢? 登登登登...

Tranditional Raggedy Ann's hair is red, I change the hair to brown since of color collision which her dress. The feature of Kyoko Yoneyama's doll is the shape of doll face, you can see it in the right picture.
傳統的Raggedy Ann是紅髮的,可是配上衣服之後太撞色了 ,於是改用了深啡色。米山京子的娃娃,最大的特色是臉部。右面那張相片就可以看出來了...(^v^)/
