Angel Sheep 天使羊咩咩

Item# HJ-0041
Size: 10cm tall
Completed date: 2007/12/08

I am having a break after finished the graduation doll and nothing has been made. But Christmas is coming, it seems need to make something for celebration. A month before, I bought a tool for wool ball, but never used. Now, it is a good chance to tried Japan design, so I make this small craft.
完成畢業娃娃後,有一種功得完滿,休養生息的感覺, 所以一直都未有再拿起針線的衝動。 隨著街上聖誕節氣氛愈來愈濃,又開始手癢要做些什麼來應節。大約在一個月前,我買了一個作毛毛球的小工具,一直放著沒用。 現在正好有機會來試試日本人的小發明,於是就做了這個輕量級手工。

Except the angles, sheep can carol as well. Okay, let's sing a Christmas song "Baa... Baa.... Baa aaaa..."

2 則留言:

Beertje Zonn 說...

Kind regards

Sonnja, from the Netherlands

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