Completed date: 2006/10/28
I cannot stop making such a little felt doll, because they are very lovely..(^u^)
This is the doll which I made for my brother based on his design of feces. Do you think the idea is disgusting? I don't think so, it seems a funny idea to embellish it.

Every night, PP-Man will come from stool, and fly across the sky to find every selected people. PP-Man will play magic on them, so that they can produce healthy PP-Man in the next morning. Did PP-Man come to you last night? ;)每天晚上,便便人會由馬桶出來,飛過天際尋找每一個被選中的人,並且在他們身上拖展魔法,令他們在早上起來時,能夠生產出健康的便便人。嘻~便便人昨晚有來找你嗎?